
Part of their physical attributes

Delicate or sharp, a koin’s fins can tell a lot about its personality.


Most often, these fins are simple enough to allow koins to display their full dexterity.


It seems that several koins like waves so much that they blend in with them. Or is it our impression? Regardless, it’s safe to say they look great.


It’s inevitable to picture the bottom of the sea when we see these not so common fins, that are able to move with the grace of the reef.


These quirky, little fins look like the wings of a hummingbird, and you know how fast those little friends are.


Rather uncommon, these fins look like a pair of fully extended wings, ready to cross the waters at alarming speeds!


You have to be very lucky to come across these fins, who hold a mythological presence. But, fear not, the koins aren’t able to breathe fire!


Possibly one of the rarest sets of fins to come across. While they may look sinister, the only master plan koin with these fins are coming up with is how to win all the races!


These unique fins are truly exquisite to look at, if you are lucky enough to come across one. A treat for the eyes.

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