Part of their physical attributes
A much more distinguished detail than meets the eye, becoming the defining feature of their face, like the signature on a painting.
This type of barb is the most common on a koin. While they may be short, they’re very sensitive, and used to savor the world around them.
Another common sight is koin with these long whiskers, but don’t be mistaken, this is not an indication of their age. They can be very young and carry them anyway!
Something about these not-so-common barbs make your koin look wise and mysterious. Might they actually be?
Some barbs keep their style but duplicate their whiskers. Make it a double!
What’s better than two? Three! While not very common, it’s possible to find koins with a whole set of mustaches to show off.
It's rare to come across a koin with such majestic barbs, but here's a secret: Once you do, they love to be praised. Feel free to indulge them!
It is impossible to stumble upon this rare barb and not think about its villainous appearance. Nothing could be further from the truth. All koins are friendly!
Something about this unique barb makes us think of Carnaval. Warms beaches and lots of dances to show off!
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